Saturday, December 1, 2018

Why is Offset Printing used over Digital Printing Methods?

We would have come across a number of small business in and around our area who would have named something like Offset Printing Services in Bangalore. But, what is the exact difference between an Offset Printing Technology Vs. Digital Printing Technology. In this blog post today, we shall differentiate between these and come to a common understanding on which works cheaper to us. Also, we would also have to keep in mind the quality of the printing technique. End of the day, we all know it is the quality which plays an important role and not just the money.

Offset Printing Technology uses plates that are made using aluminium. These plates are then used to transfer the image on a rubber blanket on the rolling image of the sheet. The term used offset here is only because the ink are not directly put on the paper but transfered from the blanks to the paper. They are much efficient in use as it provides both profit in terms of quality, quantity and accurate crisp and professional prints.

Coming to the Digital Printing point of view, a digital printer does not use printing plates as the way these offset printers use. But, they use toners which transfer the ink to the paper. The main advantage of using a digital printer over an offset printer is only the colours which can fed easily rather than having a bunch of machines for each colour.

Printing Press in Bangalore uses both Digital and Offset Printing technology depending upon the project requirements. If it is just a thousand copies then digital would work out to be better. But, if it is a 10,000 copies every day, then offset should work out better in terms of quick delivery and pure printing techniques.

Well, the advantages of hiring a offset printing services in bangalore is that larger quantities can be printed more effectively. The more you print will easily scale down your investment per piece. We use custom inks that are metallic for high quality printing. So depending upon your quantity we use an offset or a digital printing techniques. For more information you can contact SNP today! Remember, printing is one of the best marketing techniques, you can use brochures, posters, flyers, pamphlets etc to start your marketing campaign. If you need an customized help make sure you get in touch with the designer for more information.